The King of Swords

King of Swords - “truth & kindness”

The King of Swords is a highly intellectual, analytical person – who tempers his words with some kindness and compassion.

He is decisive, discriminating, and will not be swayed from what he believes to be right.

I have to be honest and say I love this court-card. He is wise, intelligent, quick thinking, great company, kind. He is a great organizer but also a great people person too. He is in touch with his intuitive, empathetic side. (If you know this man please pass on my details)

He is a great blend, an intelligent mid, great communicator, with a soft side too. He has learnt that getting along with people makes life a lot easier for all.

It seems right to mention his downfalls, he is so used to being right (after all he usually is) that he can become domineering.


The sword, is slightly to one side & he is looking you clearly in the face. Expect honesty, but also the compassion to be gentle with that honesty as well, he is considering more than just his truth.

The 2 birds, he is prepared to look at a problem from both sides, to consider that his truth may not be the only truth.

The landscape looks balanced, and stable- with trees in the background. His red boot is firmly on the ground (where as the Queens appears to be on a platform). He is fully grounded and ready to act when needed.

Butterflies- he is well aware that if you work on the mind to increase positive thoughts & release self limiting blocks you will transform your life.

In life, when not referring to a person or yourself the king of swords tells you to get organised. He asks you to look at your life objectively, to delegate tasks to others. It may be that you are caught in minute details & trying to do it all yourself. he asks you to take control of your life. He is a positive card, as along as his advice is followed.

He is likely to refer to work, business, legal affairs, money. He may refer to negotiations and communicating clearly to resolve an issue.

Elrond. Understated, Wise beyond belief, and compassionate.

When you get the King of Swords;

  • Make sure you approach situations with honesty, clarity and self-discipline.
  • Sometimes it’s change your mind.

Key Words

  • authority
  • innovative
  • commitment
  • impartial
  • rational
  • drive
  • ruthless
  • domineering
  • opinionated

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