Ranks- what do they mean? (page, knight, queen, king)

Before I start I'd like to clarify, I see the rank as referring to a person's psychology, not body.

An 80 year old man can be the page of pentacles if he is starting a new project, and a 12 year old girl can be the king of wands if she has the passion & expertise.

In an ideal world we can all be any of the 16 court-cards at will. But most of us will have clear favourites, and then court-cards that are just not comfortable with.

Prepare to learn about yourself as you learn about the court-cards.

I will use gender pro-nouns for ease of writing.

Page (princess)

Traditionally childlike energy, excited, curious, trusting.

There is a lack of experience that allows a curiosity, innocence and naivety.

The page represents the seed of an idea, when all is hope and trust.

People that identify with pages tend to be full of ideas, creative, original, excited by life.

They are great starters, but can have problems seeing an idea through to the end.

They have a naive trust that life people, and the world is a great place- leading perhaps to idealism, or a sense of sadness that life really isn’t as simple as it could be.

You are likely to engage with page energy at any new start. The page energy will open your heart and mind to new opportunities & creative possibilities.


The Knight is a person testing his skills and ideas in the wider world.

There is a single-mindedness towards reaching his goal. This is someone on a quest.

The knight has passion, idealism, ambition, dedication and a restless energy.

Knights struggle to work in a team, they like to set their own pace (super fast, or super slow!) And they don’t trust any one quite as much as they trust themselves.

If you identify with knight then you like to have a goal, a plan, a passion to be focused on. You can get a little single minded, and let whatever has absorbed your focus dominate your life.

It is usual to engage with knight energy when we need strength and determination to achieve something. They do really well under stress, and can call upon amazing reserves of strength & energy. Call on the knight when you have a job that needs to be done.

The knight combines confidence and determination to head towards his goal.


The Queen is illustrating personal mastery of the suit. In the Tarot Court-card she has no responsibilities except for to herself.

The Queen is confidently self-assured, aware of her own strengths, weaknesses and needs.

She shows a depth of understanding, awareness and independence.

She uses her suit for creativity, communication, teaching and persuasion- but there is a calm, reflective, stable energy here.

If you identify with the Queens you are likely to be in-tune with your suit, as the Queen is the fullest expression of the suit- she is ruled by her suit.

You are likely to be independent, to be aware of your own needs and to meet them. It is hard to characterize the queens as each is so different according to the suit. The rank is less important than the suit.

If you are drawn to Queen energy it is usually a reminder to meet your own needs, to be a little selfish. It often marks a time of self-growth & self awareness.


A King has a social responsibility; he can use his suit, contain and control it to help others or achieve his goal.

He is authoritative, mature, responsible and loyal.

His suit does not rule the king, but he has integrated it into his personality and uses the suit to his advantage, and for the advantage of others.

The king puts others before himself, as in old tales of Arthur & the Fisher King, he has a draw, a need, to make sure others are helped. The suit will show HOW he helps others.

If you identify with the king energy you often find yourself in a position of authority, you are the one who organises, helps & directs others.

If you are drawn to king energy then it may be time to step up and take that responsibility now.

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